Friday, February 11, 2011

Why Dressing Up Is An Interesting Search Theory

Benu Sehgal, VP Operations TGIP

“Everyone likes to dress for someone”. Naahhh, Mirrors would have been obsolete by now if this was true. On the contrary every individual dresses for himself or herself and then seeks his or her approval before turning to others for a stamp. Like in so many other cases even fashion is a reflection of individuality. The self approval after dressing up leads to higher level of confidence one that makes you face others with self assurance. “Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of all”, how can we forget these lines we have grown listening to so often. Yes beauty is one thing that everybody is running after and finding ways to look beautiful has perhaps become the order of the day or what else justifies the phenomenal growth of this industry at large.

God gives every creature an inherent desire to preen. Right from birds to human beings, they all spend hours preening themselves and taking a cue from here the industry has picked up ways to fulfill this very desire of preening. It really does not matter what is there within but the outside must be really good and one goes that extra mile in the quest to look the best
In today’s world the money people spent on looking good has increased significantly as compared to yesteryears. In this cosmopolitan India of today looks matter, lables matter and above all the image matters and thus giving birth to a desire to dress to kill

Even perception plays an equally important role as it is a pivot in determining looks and beauty so dressing up well once again gains importance. Its here that our dressing sense seeks an approval of others, after all we are social beings and our ways and practices needs an acceptability amongst others. So while dressing up we tend to put on filters in our eyes but then what are these filters: Girlfriend / boyfriend, husband / wife, society, colleagues and friends. So we dress up keeping these filters in mind and then match it with our own image and if both these images are in sync with each other we develop a mountain of confidence

At this point in time its worth asking, is it goodness we are running after or is it a statement of falsehood? This I leave it open ended and for everybody to answer keeping different situations and own priorities in mind. Whatever it is DRESSING makes a difference as it makes a statement of the person you are. It hides our inner faults and portrays a good image of oneself. No wonder fashion, trends and designers make loads and loads of money